
Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2011

"Car Eats Car"

Description Fight your way to the finish in this demolition derby gone wild! How to Play Up = Accelerate Down = Brake & Reverse Left/Right = Balance Space = Jump X = Turbo Make it through each course, scoring bonus points for collecting stars and performing cool tricks. Just watch out for those nasty tow trucks, bombs, and other obstacles...

"David Boreanaz"

Name: David Boreanaz Date of Birth: May 16, 1969 Place of Birth: Buffalo, New York, USA Mini-bio: Look up the words "handsome" and "brooding" in any dictionary and chances are you'll have a pretty good description of actor David Boreanaz. Tall, dark, and possessing the sort of alluring charisma that suggests an Abercrombie and Fitch model from the dark side, Boreanaz flourished on the small screen in the early 2000s when his Buffy the Vampire Slayer role was spun off into the supernatural-flavored series Angel.Born in Buffalo, NY, and raised in Philadelphia, Boreanaz was inspired at age seven to pursue a career in acting after witnessing the legendary Yul Brynner's performance in The King and I. In the years that followed, the aspiring actor would strive to keep the dream alive, and when it came time for higher education, Boreanaz opted to study his craft at Ithaca College in New York. The allure of a life in films soon drew Boreanaz to Los Angel...

"Inspirational Story"

Seorang tukang air memiliki dua tempayan besar, masing-masing bergantung pada kedua ujung sebuah pikulan yang dibawa menyilang pada bahunya. Satu dari tempayan itu retak, sedangkan tempayan satunya lagi tidak. Tempayan yang utuh selalu dapat membawa air penuh, walaupun melewati perjalanan yang panjang dari mata air ke rumah majikannya. Tempayan retak itu hanya dapat membawa air setengah penuh. Hal ini terjadi setiap hari selama dua tahun. Si tukang air hanya dapat membawa satu setengah tempayan air ke rumah majikannya. Tentu saja si tempayan utuh merasa bangga akan prestasinya karena dapat menunaikan tugas dengan sempurna. Di pihak lain, si tempayan retak merasa malu sekali akan ketidaksempurnaanya dan merasa sedih sebab ia hanya dapat memberikan setengah dari porsi yang seharusnya ia dapat berikan.   Setiap Orang Memiliki kekurangan. Setelah dua tahun tertekan oleh kegagalan pahit ini, tempayan retak berkata kepada si tukang air,   “Saya sungguh malu kep...

"Penyakit Skizofrenia"

Skizofrenia adalah suatu gangguan psikosis fungsional berupa gangguan mental berulang yang ditandai dengan gejala-gejala psikotik yang khas dan oleh kemunduran fungsi sosial, fungsi kerja, dan perawatan diri. Skizofrenia Tipe I ditandai dengan menonjolnya gejala-gejala positif seperti halusinasi, delusi, dan asosiasi longgar, sedangkan pada Skizofrenia Tipe II ditemukan gejala-gejala negative seperti penarikan diri, apati, dan perawatan diri yang buruk. Skizofrenia terjadi dengan frekuensi yang sangat mirip di seluruh dunia. Skizofrenia terjadi pada pria dan wanita dengan frekuensi yang sama. Gejala-gejala awal biasanya terjadi pada masa remaja atau awal dua puluhan. Pria sering mengalami awitan yang lebih awal daripada wanita. Faktor resiko penyakit ini termasuk : Riwayat skizofrenia dalam keluarga Perilaku premorbid yang ditandai dengan kecurigaan, eksentrik, penarikan diri, dan/atau              impulsivitas. S...

"Olga Kurylenko"

Name: Olga Kurylenko Date of Birth: November 14, 1979 Place of Birth: Ukraine Olga Kurylenko mini-bio: Olga Konstantinovna Kurylenko is a Ukrainian actress and model who was born in 1979 to a Russian mother and a Ukrainian father in Berdyansk, Ukraine, where she grew up in utter poverty. As a child she studied art, languages, and attended 7 years of musical school where she learned to play the piano and attended a ballet studio until the age of 13. At age 13, Olga was on vacation with her mother in Moscow, where she was scouted by an agent who offered her a job as a model. By age 16, she moved to Paris and was signed by the Madison agency. At age 18, Olga appeared on the cover of Glamour and later graced the magazine covers of Elle, Madame Figaro, Marie Claire, and Vogue. Eventually, she became the face of Lejaby lingerie, Bebe clothing, Clarins and Helena Rubinstein cosmetic companies. Her film career began in 2005 and, soon after, Olga received the certificate of ...

"Coffee Bar"

Description I'd like a half-caf, triple-shot, non-fat latte with a cherry on top. Stat! How to Play Prepare coffee drinks for your customers quickly and accurately to meet the daily targets and pass each level. Check your recipe book to prepare each drink correctly. Click the phone to order more supplies when you're running low!

"Ethan Hawke"

Name: Ethan Hawke Date of Birth: November 06, 1970 Place of Birth: Austin, Texas, USA Mini-bio: Bearing the kind of sensitive-man good looks that have led many to think he would be perfect for a career as a tortured, latte-chugging intellectual, Ethan Hawke instead emerged in the 1990s as both a talented actor and a thinking girls' poster boy. In addition to acting, Hawke penned two novels -- The Hottest State, which is rumored to be based on a former relationship he had with singer/songwriter Lisa Loeb, and the best-selling Ash Wednesday. Born November 6, 1970, in Austin, TX, to teenage parents who separated when he was a toddler, Hawke was raised by his mother. The two led an itinerant existence until she married again, and the family settled in Princeton Junction, NJ. There Hawke began to study acting at Princeton's McCarter Theatre, and at the age of 14, he made his film debut in Explorers (1985). A sci-fi fantasy flick that starred the actor alongside River Phoe...

"Misunderstanding : Success is a Destination"

Salah pengertian jika menganggap sukses adalah suatu tujuan. Mengapa? Sukses adalah perjalanan. Life is a never-ending journey. Kita selalu mencapai puncak satu dan puncak lainnya. Selalu ada lebih banyak dan lebih baik atas apa yang telah kita capai. Mari kita menyadari bahwa lebih banyak tidak selalu lebih baik. Sebagai contoh : lebih banyak uang tidak selalu berarti kualitas hidup yang lebih baik (bukan maksudnya uang tidak dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup lho, tentu uang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup untuk hal yang baik, contohnya orang perlu uang untuk beli obat jika sakit , ke dokter untuk kualitas kesehatannya, orang perlu uang untuk meningkatkan kualitas gizi makanan keluarganya, orang perlu uang untuk rekreasi meningkatkan kualitas hidup, tapi jika digunakan untuk membeli narkoba atau hal-hal buruk, uang tidak meningkatkan kualitas hidup). Dalam perjalanan hidup kita, selalu ada suatu yang lebih banyak dan lebih baik yang dapat kita capai. Maksudnya bukan semata-mata ...

"Penyakit Darah Tinggi (Hipertensi)"

Penyakit darah tinggi atau Hipertensi (Hypertension) adalah suatu keadaan di mana seseorang mengalami peningkatan tekanan darah di atas normal yang ditunjukkan oleh angka systolic (bagian atas) dan angka bawah (diastolic) pada pemeriksaan tensi darah menggunakan alat pengukur tekanan darah baik yang berupa cuff air raksa (sphygmomanometer) ataupun alat digital lainnya. Nilai normal tekanan darah seseorang dengan ukuran tinggi badan, berat badan, tingkat aktifitas normal dan kesehatan secara umum adalah 120/80 mmHG. Dalam aktivitas sehari-hari, tekanan darah normalnya adalah dengan nilai angka kisaran stabil. Tetapi secara umum, angka pemeriksaan tekanan darah menurun saat tidur dan meningkat diwaktu beraktifitas atau berolahraga. Bila seseorang mengalami tekanan darah tinggi dan tidak mendapatkan pengobatan dan pengontrolan secara teratur (rutin), maka hal ini dapat membawa si penderita kedalam kasus-kasus serius bahkan bisa menyebabkan kematian. Tekanan darah tinggi yang te...

"Rosamund Pike"

Name: Rosamund Pike Date of Birth: January 27, 1979 Place of Birth: London, England   Mini-bio : To be deceived by actress Rosamund Pike's seemingly fragile beauty and theatrical background may indeed be a fatal mistake, especially if your name is James Bond. As the mysterious Miranda Frost, Pike proved a fierce fencing competitor to the screen's most beloved spy in her feature debut Die Another Day (2002). Though English television viewers may be familiar with Pike for her numerous small-screen roles during the millennial crossover, stateside filmgoers were blind-sided by her role as a Bond girl in the super-spy's 20th outing. Pike, born in London, England, in January 1979, is the child of professional opera singers. As a student studying English literature at Oxford, the bookish Pike began to discover her passion for theater and would subsequently appear in many of the s...

"Retiring Day"

Description Just one day left... How to Play Mouse = Destroy Products/Discipline the Newbie Left/Right = Control Conveyor Belt Speed Click to destroy defective products before they reach the end of the conveyor belt. Make more than 3 mistakes and you're fired!

"Robin Williams"

Name: Robin Williams Date of Birth: July 21, 1951 Place of Birth: Chicago, Illinois Mini-bio: Onstage, on television, in the movies or in a serious interview, listening to and watching comedian/actor Robin Williams is an extraordinary experience. An improvisational master with a style comparable to Danny Kaye, his words rush forth in a gush of manic energy. They punctuate even the most basic story with sudden subject detours that often dissolve into flights of comic fancy, bawdy repartee, and unpredictable celebrity impressions before returning earthward with some pithy comment or dead-on observation.Born in Chicago in 1951, Williams was raised as an only child and had much time alone with which to develop his imagination, often by memorizing Jonathan Winters' comedy records. After high school, Williams studied political science at Claremont Men's College, as well as drama at Marin College in California and then at Juilliard. His first real break came when he was cas...

"8 Ragam Penyakit Mata"

Seorang ibu bercerita tentang anaknya yang ketularan sakit mata di sekolah. Awalnya di kelas anaknya hanya ada satu murid yang menderita sakit mata. Hari berikutnya sakit mata sudah menular dan menjangkiti belasan murid lainnya. Tak mencapai seminggu, akhirnya hampir seluruh siswa mengalami mata merah, berair, dan bengkak. Penyakit mata, seperti yang dituturkan Dr. Tjahjono Darminto Gondhowiardjo, Ph.D ., memang mudah menular. Cara penularan biasanya melalui media yang secara sengaja atau tidak, sudah tersentuh penderita. Misalnya, penderita habis mengucek mata lalu bersalaman dengan orang lain. Akibatnya orang tersebut bisa terjangkit penyakit serupa. Namun walaupun mudah menular, kata Tjahjono, cara mencegah penyakit mata ini sebetulnya sederhana saja, yakni dengan memisahkan peralatan/perlengkapan sehari-hari yang digunakan penderita.Contohnya handuk, selimut, atau pakaian. PENANGANAN PERTAMA Secara alamiah, mata sebenarnya punya mekanisme mengatasi masalahnya sendiri. ...

"Tanit Phoenix"

Name: Tanit Phoenix Date of Birth: September 24, 1980 Place of Birth: Durban, Natal, South Africa Tanit Phoenix, born 24 September 1984 in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal is a South African Supermodel and an international Actress. Model career   Phoenix started her career at the age of 15 and has starred in (and is the face of) commercials for American Swiss Jewellery, Nivea, Alberto VO5, Multi-billion dollar Aria (Casino) (Las Vegas), Transitions Lenses, Volvic and Veet. She worked as an International fashion model for Munich Models, Why Not Model Agency - Milan, Model Management - Hamburg, Ice Model Management - Cape Town and Success Models - Paris. In September 2005, 2006 and now in 2010, she was the cover girl of Cosmopolitan magazine. Tanit made quite a name for herself as a daredevil after she starred in the European TV ad for Fa showergel, skydiving topless from the heavens. She was then chosen to be the cover girl in the German mens magazine Maxim a...

"Blake Lively Make-Up"

Description Turn this twenty-something trendsetter into the talk of Tinseltown! How to Play Browse the hair, make-up, accessory, and clothing options to transform this gossip girl into a gorgeous goddess.

"Robert Pattinson"

Name: Robert Pattinson Date of Birth: May 13, 1986 Place of Birth: London, England, UK Mini-bio: Robert Pattinson is best known for portraying Edward Cullen in the film adaptations of author Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series. He first came to widespread attention for 2005's Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as Cedric Diggory, an older rival from another wizard academy who competes directly with Harry in a tournament to win the titular goblet. Despite being in Harry Potter, Pattinson had reservations about auditioning for the part of the perfect vampire from Meyer's books. In fact, once cast, he faced a backlash from fans who insisted he was not the right choice to play Edward. With the first film, Twilight (2008), and subsequent sequels New Moon (2009) and Eclipse (2010), however, the fan response warmed towards Pattinson. Born in London, Pattinson is the son of a modeling agency scout and a vintage car dealer. At 12 he would begin a modeling career, but abando...