
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2014


Things are movin' n' shakin' at this intergalactic diner. Grab a rocket pack and get to work...

"Snow White Kiss"

Only Prince Charming can wake up the princess but the dastardly witch won’t make it easy...

"Cortney Palm"

Date of Birth 20 February 1987, Colorado, USA Height 5' 7" (1.7 m) Theatrically trained, Cortney has played roles from Moliere to Lillian Hellman while in her undergrad at California Lutheran University. She quickly gained acclaim in the film industry with her titular role in SUSHI GIRL catapulting her into other memorable roles such as Maria who gets thrown into a wood chipper by a deranged Santa Clause in SILENT NIGHT and lead roles such as Daniela in Tourbillon and Zoe in the comedy-horror (with a viral trailer) Zombeavers. Cortney is also known for her appearance in The Purge Anarchy. During her undergrad, Cortney studied classical theater from around the globe on up to film acting techniques with Joshua Finkle and Michael Cain. She was nominated for an Irene Ryan Award for her performance in the Black Box production of TAPE, and was awarded Best Actress and Best Supporting Actress by her peers for her performances during school. Once out of school she train...

"Jake Weary"

Jake Weary (born Jacob Weary on February 14, 1990) is an American actor, singer and musician. He is known for his famous speaking role Kevin Kunt, in the Fred series. After an initial guest role on his mother Kim Zimmer's show, Guiding Light in 2002, he was cast as Luke Snyder on the television soap opera As the World Turns. Weary's departure from As the World Turns was the cause of some controversy, as the timing coincided with a change in course for the character of Luke, who would be revealed to be gay. Initially, news reports suggested that Weary or Zimmer may have been uncomfortable with the story. Zimmer subsequently told the press that Weary's departure was related to his age (at the time, he was 15) and that such a storyline would require a much larger time commitment than originally agreed to. Weary wanted to be able to focus on school and make occasional appearances. Weary did go on to appear in episodes of two of the Law & Order franchise shows, Cri...

"Rachel Melvin"

Rachel Melvin (born February 9, 1985) is an American actress. She is best known for her role as Chelsea Brady on Days of Our Lives (2005–2009). Melvin was born in Elmhurst, Illinois but moved to Phoenix, Arizona at age four. She was raised in Phoenix. She has an older sister named Jessica. She graduated from Mountain Pointe High School in 2003. She passed up a full scholarship to college so that she could move to California to pursue an acting career. It was the night before they changed the legal gambling age from 18 to 21. She used her money to move to Los Angeles. She took acting classes every weekend. Her idols include Meryl Streep, Mary-Louise Parker, Anne Hathaway, Cynthia Nixon and Toni Colette. She now resides in Los Angeles, California. Melvin is a supporter of the American Diabetes Association, as well as various animal charities. She landed her first acting job in the 2005 independent film Boo. She later won the role of Georgia LaMarque, a French girl whom Bo and...

"Hutch Dano"

Hutchings Royal "Hutch" Dano (born May 21, 1992) also known as "Farenheit 51" is an American actor and rapper, known for his role as Zeke Falcone in Zeke & Luther. He also played Henry in Ramona and Beezus, and Bailey Pickett's ex-boyfriend, Moose, in The Suite Life on Deck Dano was born in Santa Monica, California. He worked at a skateboard shop and attended Santa Monica High School; he currently resides at Venice Beach, California. Hutch is the son of actor Rick Dano; his paternal grandfather was actor Royal Dano and his maternal great-grandparents were screenwriter/director J. Walter Ruben and actress Virginia Bruce. Hutch booked a commercial at age five, starting his acting career. He has no relation to fellow actor Paul Dano. Films Year Title Role Notes 2010 Den Brother Alex Pearson Television film 2010 Ramona and Beezus Henry Huggins 2013 Feels So Good Evan 2014 Congratulations, Josh! Josh Short film 2014 Zombeavers Sam 2015 Twice the ...

"Bau Badan Dapat Menunjukkan Penyakit"

Bukti-bukti anekdotal dan ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa penyakit memiliki bau tertentu. Penderita diabetes, misalnya, kadang-kadang memiliki napas yang berbau seperti apel busuk atau aseton. Mats Olsson, dkk dari Karolinska Institutet di Swedia bahkan membuktikan bahwa manusia dapat mencium bau penyakit pada seseorang yang sistem kekebalannya sangat aktif hanya dalam beberapa jam setelah terpapar racun. Untuk membuktikannya, Olsson dan timnya merekrut delapan orang sehat untuk disuntik dengan lipopolisakarida (LPS) yaitu racun yang dikenal meningkatkan respon imun atau larutan garam (sebagai pembanding). Para relawan mengenakan t-shirt ketat untuk menyerap keringat selama 4 jam berikutnya. Para relawan yang disuntik dengan LPS menghasilkan respon imun yang nyata, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh peningkatan suhu tubuh dan kadar sitokin (molekul sistem kekebalan). Sebuah kelompok terpisah yang terdiri dari 40 peserta diminta untuk mencium sampel keringat. Secara keseluruhan, mereka menil...

"Konsumsi Natrium Tinggi Penyebab 1 Dari 10 Kematian Kardiovaskuler Global"

Para peneliti memperkirakan bahwa 1 dari 10 kematian kardiovaskuler setiap tahun disebabkan oleh asupan natrium di atas yang direkomendasikan WHO yaitu 2 gram per hari. Tim peneliti yang dipimpin oleh Dr Dariush Mozaffarian dari Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy di Tufts University di Medford, MA, baru-baru ini menerbitkan temuan mereka tersebut di The New England Journal of Medicine. Natrium adalah unsur yang secara alami terdapat pada sebagian besar makanan seperti daging, susu, ikan dan seledri. Oleh karena itu penambahan garam dalam jumlah tinggi dalam masakan menyebabkan konsumsi natrium terlalu banyak. Hal itu dapat meningkatkan tekanan darah, padahal hipertensi adalah faktor risiko utama untuk penyakit kardiovaskuler seperti penyakit jantung dan stroke. “Namun efek dari asupan natrium berlebih pada penyakit kardiovaskuler secara global menurut usia, jenis kelamin dan etnis belum sepenuhnya diketahui,” kata Dr Mozaffarian. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang...

"Tukang Cukur"

Pada suatu hari Pak Haji dan tukang cukur berjalan melalui daerah kumuh disebuah kota. Tukang cukur berkata kepada Pak Haji, "Lihat, inilah sebabnya saya tidak dapat percaya pada Tuhan yang katanya Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. Jika Tuhan itu baik sebagaimana yang engkau katakan, Ia tidak akan membiarkan semua kemiskinan, penyakit, dan kekumuhan ini. Ia tidak akan membiarkan orang-orang ini terperangkap ketagihan obat dan semua kebiasaan yang merusak watak. Tidak, saya tidak dapat percaya ada Tuhan yang mengijinkan semua ini terjadi." Pak Haji itu diam saja sampai ketika mereka bertemu dengan seseorang yang benar-benar jorok dan bau. Rambutnya panjang dan janggutnya seperti tak tersentuh pisau cukur cukup lama. Pak Haji berkata, "Anda tidak bisa menjadi seorang tukang cukur yang baik kalau anda membiarkan orang seperti dia hidup tanpa rambut dan janggut yang tak terurus." Merasa tersinggung, tukang cukur itu menjawab:"Mengapa salahkan aku atas keada...

"Semangkuk Bakmi Panas"

Pada malam itu, Ana bertengkar dengan ibunya. Karena sangat marah, Ana segera meninggalkan rumah tanpa membawa apapun. Saat berjalan di suatu jalan, ia baru menyadari bahwa ia sama sekali tdk membawa uang. Saat menyusuri sebuah jalan, ia melewati sebuah kedai bakmi dan ia mencium harumnya aroma masakan. Ia ingin sekali memesan semangkuk bakmi, tetapi ia tdk mempunyai uang. Pemilik kedai melihat Ana berdiri cukup lama di depan kedainya, lalu berkata “Nona, apakah engkau ingin memesan semangkuk bakmi?” ” Ya, tetapi, aku tidak membawa uang” jawab Ana dengan malu-malu “Tidak apa-apa, aku akan mentraktirmu” jawab si pemilik kedai. “Silahkan duduk, aku akan memasakkan bakmi untukmu”. Tidak lama kemudian, pemilik kedai itu mengantarkan semangkuk bakmi. Ana segera makan beberapa suap, kemudian air matanya mulai berlinang. “Ada apa nona?” Tanya si pemilik kedai. “tidak apa-apa” aku hanya terharu jawab Ana sambil mengeringkan air matanya. “Bahkan, seorang yang baru kukenal pun memberi aku...

"Carrot Quest"

This bunny wants to plant some delicious carrots but he could use a little help.

"Totem Shift: Episode 1"

Can you match up all of these tricky totems?

"Andrea Velasco"

Birth Name Andrea María Velasco Alessandri Height 5' 1½" (1.56 m) Chilean actress and singer, Andrea Velasco was born on December 7th, 1981 in Santiago, Chile. Since early years she showed interest for acting, dancing and music. Attracted by soul and jazz, she began practicing singing on her own. At the age of 15 she began studying popular music and singing, developing a career with afro and Latin rock music influences. At the same time, she took part in several theatrical events during her school life, which induced her to study and reach a degree in modern dancing and acting. In 2001 she entered the Acting career at Finis Terrae University in Santiago, where the following year she was granted a "Merit Diploma for her outstanding performance in the School of Acting. In 2003 she won the "IV Festival of Short Plays" with Crucidrama, a play of her authorship which she later directed (at the contest's final show), thus awakening her interest for ot...

"Josh Hutcherson"

Joshua Ryan "Josh" Hutcherson (born October 12, 1992) is an American actor. He began his acting career in the early 2000s, appearing in several minor film and television roles. His first acting role came in 2002, in the pilot episode of House Blend. His first film role was landed in 2003, when he appeared in Animal Planet's Miracle Dogs. Growing up as a child-actor, he gained exposure between 2004 and 2009 with major roles in the films Little Manhattan and Zathura, the comedy RV, and the family adventure film Firehouse Dog. Along the way, he also appeared in film adaptations of The Polar Express, Bridge to Terabithia, Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Kids Are All Right, and Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant. He received eight Young Artist Award nominations for Best Leading Young Actor in those five years, half of which he won. In 2011, Hutcherson landed the leading role of Peeta Mellark in The Hunger Games film series, based on Suzanne Collins...